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Articles, Interviews and Archive

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Warhol after Warhol by Richard Dorment review (revised version of What Andy Warhol Didn't Do, 2023)

1. Site Sections


About Warholstars




Warholstars Timeline

Timeline Contents


Andy Warhol's Superstars

Cast Listings

Selected Andy Warhol Exhibitions

Andy Warhol Pre-Pop

Andy Warhol Condensed

Abstract Expressionism (2009)
Before Pop there was Abstract Expressionism. This is a chronological account of the lives of the first generation Abstract Expressionists including Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning and Barnett Newman.

From Nowhere to Up There (2015)

Site Sections - Articles - Interviews - Archive

2. Articles

Andy Warhol's America bombs on the BBC (2022)

The Origin of Andy Warhol's Soup Cans or The Synthesis of Nothingness (2003/revised 2010, 2022)

Andy Warhol's Pork reviewed in Art in America, January - February, 1972

Ralph Pomeroy biography (2018)

The Andy Warhol Foundation's case against Lynn Goldsmith continues (2017)

Lynn Goldsmith threatens legal action against the Warhol Foundation (2017)

An Interview with Andy Warhol by Ralph Pomeroy from Afterimage, No. 2 (Autumn 1970)

Holly Woodlawn in Scarecrow in a Garden of Cucumbers (2016)

Holly Woodlawn has died (2015)

Andy Warhol's Sex Parts and Torsos

How did Andy Warhol die?

Andy Warhol's The Chelsea Girls

Gene Swenson, Andy Warhol and the Personality of the Artist

Jerome Hill and Charles Rydell

Glamour, Glory and Gold by Jackie Curtis

Jackie Curtis' Vain Victory

Wonderboy: The life, loves and death of Eric Emerson

Andy Warhol's Pork


Women in Revolt

King Andy's German Conquest by Bob Colacello (1971)
An account of Andy Warhol's German tour to promote Trash and his trip to England for his 1971 retrospective at the Tate Gallery.

Geri Miller: Crosstown Bus

William S. Wilson obituary

Restospections on West 23rd Street by William S. Wilson (June 15, 2006)

Jack Smith

Expanded Cinema? (2014)

Andy Warhol's "Porn House" (2014)

Jonas Mekas and the Film-makers' Cinematheque (2014)

Andy Warhol, the Expanded Cinema, the Velvet Underground and the Cafe Bizarre (2002, revised 2014)

Andy Warhol and The Beard (2011)

When Did Andy Warhol Meet John Cage? (2009)

Andy Warhol's Blow Job (2009)

Caffe Cino (2009)

Andy Warhol, The Connection and The Brig

Andy Warhol's Piss Paintings

Andy Warhol: Invisible Sculpture

Ronald Tavel and Andy Warhol's Factory (2008/revised 2009)

Callie Angell Obituary (2010)

Sam Green Obituary (2011)

Andy Warhol, Diane di Prima, Freddy Herko, The New York Poets Theatre
and the Judson Dance Theater

Conquest of the Ridiculous: Ronald Tavel, John Vaccaro and Charles Ludlam
The origins of the Theatre of the Ridiculous (November 2008/revised 2009)

André Breton: Surrealism, Dada and the Abstract Expressionists (2008)

notes on Marcel Duchamp

notes on John Cage, Erik Satie's Vexations and Andy Warhol's Sleep

Walter Hopps (2005)

Tinkerbell biography
Tinkerbelle or "Tinkerbell" was a regular on New York's club scene, appeared on Anton Perich's cable TV show and wrote for Andy Warhol's Interview magazine. She committed suicide in 1986.

Charles Henri Ford Obituary (2002)
Surrealist poet who was responsible for introducing Andy Warhol to Gerard Malanga.

Andy Warhol and Household Objects

Andy Warhol's Hammer and Sickles

The Arts and the Mass Media by Lawrence Alloway (1958)
The article which is often incorrectly credited with the first published use of the term "Pop Art."

But Today We Collect Ads by Alison and Peter Smithson (1956)
The first published use of the term "pop art."

Ciao! Manhattan by David Weisman
Co-director David Weisman talks about the non-Warhol film Ciao! Manhattan starring Edie Sedgwick.

The Chelsea Girls by Susan Pile

Ronald Tavel Eulogy by George Abagnalo

Trash in England
An account of the censorship problems in the U.K. with Paul Morrissey's Trash from
the original U.K. program.

Andy Warhol and the Social Construction of the Late Modern Artist
by David Deitcher

Letter to Peter and Alison Smithson by Richard Hamilton (1957)
An early reference to the term "Pop Art."

Shopping with Andy by Stuart Pivar (1987)
Andy Warhol's shopping companion on shopping with Andy.

Sixth Independent Film Award by Film Culture (Summer 1964)
Why Film Culture magazine gave Warhol their annual Film Award in 1964.

Warhol as Filmmaker by David Bourdon (1971)
Andy Warhol biographer and art critic David Bourdon examines Warhol's films.

Andy Warhol at the Rowan Gallery by Norbert Lynton (1968)
A review of Andy Warhol's 1968 exhibit at the Rowan Gallery in England.

New York Correspondance School by William S. Wilson (1966)
The complete text of William S. Wilson's seminal article on Ray Johnson that originally appeared in the very first issue of Art & Artists in 1966 - with a new introduction written by Mr. Wilson in February 2004.

Pop Art/Art Pop, The Warhol Connection by Mary Harron (1980)
Mary Harron would later direct the film "I Shot Andy Warhol". This article documents her first visit and interview with Andy Warhol and some of his cronies including Fred Hughes, Gerard Malanga, Allen Midgette, Sterling Morrison, Glenn O'Brien and Walter Steding.

Prince of Boredom: The Repetitions and Passivities of Andy Warhol by William S. Wilson
(1968 - with new preface written in 2004)

Art is a Jealous Lover: May Wilson 1905 - 1986 by William S. Wilson (2001)
Valerie Solanas stored her gun underneath American artist May Wilson's bed at the Chelsea Hotel prior to shooting Andy Warhol.

The Madness of Making A Movie with Holly Woodlawn by Dallas (1982)
Holly Woodlawn's friend Dallas writes about what it was like living with Holly while they filmed Broken Goddess.

Last Post: Ray Johnson... by John Suiter (2000)
Ray Johnson was the founder of the New York Correspondance School and also assisted Andy Warhol during the filming of Jill Johnston (Dancing).

Empire Conversation
John Palmer/Henry Romney/Andy Warhol/Gerard Malanga/Marie Desert/Jonas Mekas (1964)

Very Andy by SW? (2002)
A review of the Andy Warhol retrospective in London from the gay magazine, QX.

Syndromes Pop At Delmonicos by Grace Glueck (1966)
An eye-witness account of The Velvet Underground's appearance at The New York Society for Clinical Psychiatry's banquet.

My 15 Minutes by John Giorno (2002)
John Giorno writes about appearing in Andy Warhol's Sleep.

Candy Darling's Funeral
A memorial from Interview magazine with comments by Baby Jane Holzer, Sylvia Miles, Eric Emerson and Julie Newmar. (1974)

Working with Rothko: A Conversation between Roy Edwards and Ralph Pomeroy
First appeared in New American Review 12 (1971). Roy Edwards was Mark Rothko's art assistant and Ralph Pomeroy was a poet who wrote the text for Andy Warhol's portfolio, À la Recherche du Shoe Perdu.

3. Interviews

Holly Woodlawn Interview in Atlanta (1971) by Smokey Kaufman

Interview with Julian Burroughs

Interview with Mark Sink (2012)

Interview with Abigail Rosen (2007)
Interview with Abigail Rosen who appeared with Viva in Andy Warhol's Tub Girls.

Harold Stevenson Interview by Tawsha Brinkley Davenport (2006)
Artist Harold Stevenson was a friend of Warhol and Edie Sedgwick and appeared in footage shot by Factoryite Danny Williams in the 1960s and in Andy Warhol's Heat.

A Statement by Richard Hamilton (2006)
Richard Hamilton responds to the John McHale (Jr.) interview.

Interview with John McHale (Jr.) (2006)
McHale is the son of the "father of pop."

Mark Lancaster Interview (Part I) (2004)
Mark Lancaster is a British artist who assisted Warhol and appeared in several of his films.

Mark Lancaster Interview (Part 2) (2004)

Allen Midgette Interview (2004)
Allen Midgette impersonated Warhol on a college lecture tour in 1967 and appeared in various films including Lonesome Cowboys, Nude Restaurant and Four Stars.

Interview with Melba LaRose, Jr. (2003)
Melba LaRose played the starring role in the original production of Jackie Curtis's play Glamour, Glory and Gold.

Baby Jane Holzer Interview by Anita Pallenberg (2002)
Anita Pallenberg talks to Jane Holzer about her days as a Warhol superstar.

Andy Warhol's Last Interview (Part 1) by Paul Taylor (1987)
The first part of the last interview Andy Warhol gave before his death.

Andy Warhol's Last Interview (Part 2) by Paul Taylor (1987)
Part two of the last interview that Andy Warhol gave before his death.

Valerie Solanas Interview by Howard Smith and Brian Van Der Horst (1977)
Village Voice interview with the woman who attempted to murder Andy Warhol.

VIVA by Bob Colacello (1975)
An interview with Warhol star, Viva, in which she talks about her life with then husband Michel Auder and recites some of her poetry.

Patti D'Arbanville Interview (excerpt) by Bob Colacello (1973)
Excerpt from an interview that appeared in the April 1973 issue of Interview magazine.

Geri Miller Interview by John Calendo (1973)
Geri Miller was the stripper in Trash and also appeared in Women in Revolt.

Holly Woodlawn in Atlanta interview by Smokey Kaufman (1971)

BP Interviews Warhol by R. Spencer (1967)
An interview with Andy Warhol in the projection booth of the Rhode Island School of Design.

Andy's Gang by Bill Dunning (1967)
A review of the E.P.I. show at the Rhode Island School of Design.

Inside Andy Warhol by Sterling McIlhenny and Peter Ray
An interview with Andy Warhol from 1966

Site Sections - Articles - Interviews - Archive

4. Archive

Sam Shepard and "Heartless" by Robert Heide (2012)
Heide was involved with the Caffe Cino and the author of the play The Bed which inspired Warhol to make his film, The Bed

Update on Rudy Vallée Painting (RWA Statement) (2012)

Paul Warhola Statement re: alleged painting of Rudy Vallée by Andy Warhol (2012)

Gertrude Stein expert confirms that alleged Stein sketch is not by Gertrude Stein (2012)

Warhol author, Patrick Smith, supports the Warhola family's claim that the alleged Warhol sketch of Rudy Vallée is not by Andy Warhol

Author of "Andy Warhol's New York City" supports the Warhola family's claim that the alleged Warhol sketch of Rudy Vallee is not by Warhol

What Andy Warhol Didn't Do (May 2011)

Art vs. Life vs. Pop
A review of Andy Warhol (Icons of America series) by Arthur C. Danto

Pietro Psaier's therapist dies

Pietro Psaier Chronology (2008)

Pietro Psaier Claims and Contradictions

Gordon Scott: The Best Movie Tarzan Dies at 80 by Ronald Tavel (2007)
Andy Warhol's scriptwriter on Gordon Scott aka Tarzan

Factory Girl (Reviewed) (2007)
A review of the fictional Edie Sedgwick biopic, Factory Girl.

Gerard Malanga, Author
A partial list of writings by Gerard Malanga

U.S.A. vs. Larry Gagosian (2003)

James Warhola Responds to an Uncle Andy Book Review (2003)
James Warhola is the nephew of Andy Warhol and author of the children's book Uncle Andy's: A Faabbbulous Visit with Andy Warhol. He responds to a review of the book in a letter to the editor of  the New York Times.

Lance Loud by Lance Loud (2002)
Lance Loud (now sadly deceased) writes about his battle with HIV and Hepatitis C.

Pat Ast R.I.P.

I Shot Andy Warhol Diary by Christine Vachon (1998)
Excerpts from the personal diary of the producer of the film, I Shot Andy Warhol.

Jackleton Press

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