Andy Warhol meets Andrea Feldman, Geraldine Smith and Patti d'Arbanville
Andy Warhol (via Pat Hackett in Popism):
The more we hung around Maxs, the more young kids we got to know. There were three tiny little girl beauties who were always there whod been running around together for years - Geraldine Smith, Andrea Feldman and Patti dArbanville. Patti had grownup in the village. Her parents still lived across from the Cafe Figaro, and thats where the girls would hang out till it closed for the night, and then go over to Pattis house to sleep.. (POP236)
Geraldine had been to three Catholic schools in Brooklyn, all of which threw her out, before going to Washington Irving High on 16th Street and Irving Place. Andrea went to Quntanos, an expensive progressive school for theatrical-like kids" near the club, Ondine. Geraldine and Andrea were staying with a girl named Roberta who lived with a wealthy husband on Park Avenue and 31st Street.
Andrea Feldman's basic routine at Max's Kansas City was to climb on top of the Warhol group's big round table (often in a very short velvet miniskirt and large brimmed velvet hat), rip open her blouse and screech, "It's Show Time! And everything's coming up roses! Marilyn's gone five years, so love me while you can, I've got a heart of gold."
Andy Warhol (via Pat Hackett in Popism):
Some nights shed get too crazy and get into fights, and Mickey would throw her out for a a few weeks... Usually shed also grab her tits and tell everyone,'I'm a real woman - look at these grapefruits! Im gonna be on top tonight!" (POP241)
Eventually, she would also proclaim herself to be Mrs. Warhol.