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Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol died on Billy Name's birthday on February 22, 1987 at 6:31 a.m. while recovering from a gallbladder operation. His doctor indicated that prior to the operation Warhol's health was "good" in his hospital admission papers. Warhol's estate brought a wrongful-death lawsuit against the hospital which was settled out of court for three million dollars. (See: How did Andy Warhol die?)

Click on an event below:

Andy Warhol is born

Andy Warhol's childhood illness

Andy Warhol moves to New York

Andy Warhol's first exhibition

Andy Warhol paints his first Pop paintings

Andy Warhol pays Muriel Latow $50 for the Soup Can idea

The Origin of Andy Warhol's Soup Cans or The Synthesis of Nothingness

Andy Warhol does his first serial works

Andy Warhol paints stamps

Andy Warhol does money paintings and begins silkscreening

Andy Warhol's first Pop Art exhibition

Andy Warhol meets Baby Jane Holzer

Andy Warhol meets Gerard Malanga

Andy Warhol shoots his first film

Andy Warhol takes drugs

First portrait commission by Andy Warhol

First (silver) Factory

Andy Warhol announces his retirement

Andy Warhol & the FBI

Andy Warhol dies (the first time)

Andy Warhol does television

Andy Warhol's Christmas Party

Andy Warhol's painting technique

Andy Warhol's Sex Parts

Andy Warhol's Piss Paintings

The final Factory

Andy Warhol on the Love Boat

Andy Warhol dies

to superstars

to Warholstars timeline


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