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Warholstars Condensed... sort of

page twenty-five


The address of the new Factory was 860 Broadway - although it wasn't called the Factory anymore:

Pat Hackett:

"In the summer of '74 the Factory moved from 33 Union Square West to the third floor of 860 Broadway - just half a block away. Around this time, Andy instructed the the receptionists to stop answering the phone with 'Factory' - 'Factory' had become 'too corny,' he said - and the place became simply 'the office.'" (AWDxiv)

Paul Morrissey no longer had a desk at the new "office."

Bob Colacello:

The third Factory was laid out like a circle and as you went round it, you passed through the quarters, each with its own mood and style, of the various businesses in the Factory family, with Interview still the poorest relation, and Andy Warhol Films, Inc. more estranged than ever... Paul [Morrissey] didn't have a desk at the third Factory, nor did he have a title in the new company Andy formed. The new stationery, and the lobby directory at 860 Broadway, said Andy Warhol Enterprises - or AWE for short. Andy was chairman, Fred [Hughes] was president and Vincent [Fremont] was vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. Andy Warhol Films, Inc. henceforth existed only as the copyright owner of the movies that Andy and Paul had made together. And Paul was gone..." (BC237)

The last project that Paul Morrissey worked on with Warhol was a Broadway musical called:


Advertisement for Man on the Moon from the December 1974 issue of Interview magazine

Man on the Moon was originally titled Space and was written by ex-Mama and Papas member John Phillips as a starring vehicle for his wife, Genevieve Waite. It was panned by the critics and closed after five nights. The opening night party was at Sardis:

Yoko Ono and Andy Warhol at the opening night of Man on the Moon
(Photo: Allen Tannenbaum)

After leaving the Factory, Paul Morrissey continued to make films. His first completed project was The Hound of the Baskervilles, released in 1978. Although the film featured a stellar cast of classic British comedians, including Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Terry Thomas, Kenneth Williams, Penelope Keith and Spike Milligan, it was generally panned by the critics. Morrissey's later films included Madame Wangs (1981), Mixed Blood (1985) and Spike of Bensonhurst (1988).

After Paul left the Factory, or the "office" as it was now called, Warhol made one more film. This time it was directed by Warhol's boyfriend, Jed Johnson, and only featured a few of the earlier Warhol stars in small cameo roles. It was...

to page twenty-six

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